Friday 13 July 2012

Hi, friends I am again before you to share some fired incident related to the current topic crime in education system under heading corruption friends like Annahazare and supporter many Institution are working against corruption. But I ask you do you think this Poisson of corruption  will ever extinct from our country ? I think , no. why? Because you believe or not corruption is in the blood of every individual. We all accepted it as second soul of human body. A well said, “No man is bad or good” this signifies that in every individuals has  some negativity with some positivity lies, its depend upon individual which one of them  he like to keep and which one he neglect at all. And today we all start accepting bad one as part and parcel of life. Otherwise we should put the corrupts into prison. One side we supporting anna hazare andolan against corruption on other hand we lead these corrupts to enjoying their life and making untidy the whole social and economic condition.
Believe me corruption is a parasite which will enter your house any day by showing the face of some benefits and in the core of  heart you have to fetch only loss, an ugly face of devil in form of loss of peace, loss of prosperity, loss of happiness and the biggest loss is the loss of brotherhood and end of love. It will eat all of us one day. So before any relation breaks up or end of any opportunity of corruption free nation, we awake up and raise voice against corruption.   
This corruption starts with very primary stage of humans life. An individual is born like every living being but he called human when he start learning using his brain. Yes, brain is the main difference between a human and a devil and this learning starts with school then college and there after at each and every step learn or avoid is depend on his brain. By saying all this thing I mean to say the quality of education decides which type of person you will be . in a whole education is the primary stage of humans life.
Education system these days become   area of corruption. Various activity are going on in colleges and big B-schools and  charges high fees from student, today those who have big bunch of bank account they are able to have degree on the other hand poor who hardly manage their livelihood could only read or heard about this type of institution.  That means we accept that the right of education is for those who has money otherwise you have no right to have good quality education.
Today’s scenario quality education is related to the placements the i.e companies hired from college it self. Company also giving preference to the placed candidate only, if  you are not hired from college then you have to struggle for getting job. Still there is no guarantee that you will be placed from that college who assure you with 100% job guarantee and charges fees equivalent to other students.Than only way open for you do part time/ full time job simultaneously do your education in this way never create burden for your family and your education will be going on. But in regular education this might be possible then you have adapt another root this root is the root of distance learning.   
   In distance learning is everything is being ok, no my friends this is the main area of corruption takes its devil shape  

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